Security & Visitor Services
Free parking is located directly on the property. Handicapped
parking is available.
A bicycle rack is provided near the picnic area at the front
of the museum.
Bus and R.V. parking is available in the eastern section of the parking lot in designated spaces. No overnight parking.
Wheelchairs are available free of charge at the Welcome Desk.
Photography and Sketching
Personal photography and sketching are allowed throughout the museum.
Exceptions, if any, will be posted in the photography-restricted area.
Visitors are encouraged to share their museum photos on Instagram:
use the hashtag #sanbernardinocountymuseum. For commercial photography,
press photography, and filming projects, please contact
the Museum Media Specialist.
Lost and Found
If you have lost something while at the Museum contact a security
officer or inquire at the Welcome Desk. If you have left something
behind, call (909) 798-8608.
First Aid
If you require first aid while at the Museum, contact a security
officer or go to the Welcome Desk for further assistance.
Food and Drink
Eating and drinking are permitted on the patio and
in the courtyard.
The San Bernardino County Museum is a smoke free facility.
Museum Enjoyment
For your safety and the enjoyment of others we ask that visitors
with children ask them to walk at all times and use indoor voices.
Printable Museum Guide - PDF
Maps of the museum and exhibits are available at the Welcome Desk.